Terms of Service

Effective: 12 December 2023

We may suspend, terminate, or take other interim action regarding your access to or use of the Services, if, in our sole judgment, we believe you, directly or indirectly, violated this Policy or authorize or help others to do so.

Prohibited Content

You agree that you will not use the Service, or encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct others to use the Service, to send messages that contain, offer, promote, reference, or link to any information or content related to any of the following:

Message Abuse; Falsification of Identity or Origin. You will not send messages using spam bots or other similar systems, alter or obscure mail headers, provide false identification, or assume a sender's identity without the sender's explicit permission. You will also not create a false identity or attempt to mislead others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of any data or communications.

Content designed to evade detection. As noted above, we do not allow content which has been specifically designed to evade detection by unwanted messaging detection and prevention mechanisms. This includes intentionally misspelled words or non-standard opt-out phrases which have been specifically created with the intent to evade these mechanisms.

Use of shared public URL shorteners. Where a web address (i.e., Uniform Resource Locator (URL)) shortener is used, you should not use links that have been shortened using shared public URL shorteners like Bitly or TinyURL. If you want to include shortened URLs in your messages, we recommend using a dedicated short domain.

We may also cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies, regulators, or other appropriate third parties to help with the investigation and prosecution of illegal conduct by providing network and systems information related to alleged violations of this Policy.

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